Baby Shower!

10:44 AM

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 On Sunday, 4 Sept 2016, was the baby shower for our little one on the way. My mom and dad had held it at their house in Robertson. The weather was absolutely wonderful and the day was very successful.

My sister had been home from Uni the week prior and had pretty much gotten everything ready with my mom. They made bunting that looked absolutely stunning, some cards that people could pin to their clothes to say whether they thought we were expecting a boy or a girl and made the most delicious looking spread I've seen in forever.  There was cake, tarts, cupcakes, quiche and they held a braai outside where the men could chill while the women did the "girly things".

They had arranged some fun games starting with making me change the diaper on a newborn baby doll, you know those that came out years ago and could eat and poop and everything.Please note that I had to be blindfolded through the entire process. I'm guessing that was to prep me for changing diapers in the dead of night??  They had also gotten some string and everyone had to cut of a piece that they thought would perfectly fit around my belly. Adele, my sister in law, had won that challenge hands down while Carli had cut the longest piece ever. Her excuse was that she was rushed....

I should probably also mention that baby doll had to go sit with the dad to be after I changed the diaper. He tried to give it some bottle that is. I see great things in our future.

Ive included some random pics of the day down below if you are interested.

I just want to end off by thanking everyone that was there that day. It meant a lot to me to see your faces there, and the gifts are all absolutely gorgeous.


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